Sunday, August 7, 2011

Baraya Laut, The Hidden Paradise

Miri is a coastal city situated at the north of Sarawak. It is a booming city that has a lot to offer. From exquisite local handicraft, delicious local delicacies, and the astounding natural wonders.

In this post, I would like to share the wonderful experience I had during my visit to Baraya Laut. Baraya Laut is a beautiful retreat located approximately 90km (to & fro) at the south of Miri City.

There is one privately owned resort, Baraya Laut Resort. Guests may book the place. It offers several types of accommodation; bungalow, chalet, and hostel. It is a blessing to all nature lovers that the place is made accessible through the generous effort of the land owner who had decided to turn the beautiful piece of land into a private resort rather than making the land as an oil-palm plantation.

A lot of activities can be done here, paragliding (the wind is extremely forceful), surfing (the waves can be very voluminous depends on the season), excursion (a heaven for young geologist), nature photography, or simply for the sheer fun picnic.

In my personal opinion, the serene seashore is a haven as it is the nearest private resort available within reasonable driving range.

Baraya Laut is truly a well kept gem and a blessing.

How to Get to Baraya Laut (Map is courtesy of MNS Miri Blogspot. Thanks to Google)

As we can see, immediately next to the resort is a privately owned oil palm plantation.

One of the chalets that are available at the Baraya Laut Resort. The chalet is facing the Baraya cliff and the view during sunset is breath taking.

One of the local vegetation, I have no exact knowledge of the name but the tree really looks like an overgrown pineapple tree.

The fruits look like overly ripe pineapple fruits.

The cliff is the route to the shoreline. It is advisable to wear hiking shoes due to the challenging terrain of the slope.

The gorgeous terrain (any avid rock scientist will marvel at the sight of it).

The breath-taking natural beauty of the open sea.

Looking back, I am thankful I managed to descend the slope safely.....

... As I was wearing my ballet flat.

The seemingly endless north shoreline....

....The south shore line.

Some of the free-spirited birds I saw at the haven.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sharing of 6th Ramadhan 1432H

Doa Nabi Nuh

Surah Nuh merupakan surah ke -71 dalam Al-Quran yang terdiri atas 28 ayat. Surah ini termasuk surah Makiyyah. Sahabat Rasullulah SAW mengatakan bahawa keselamatan kaum Muslimin berada dalam tiga perkara. Salah satunya adalah doa Nabi Nuh AS. Doa Nabi Nuh AS ialah pada ayat 28 Surah Nuh[2]. Doa ini boleh dibaca selepas solat fardhu.

Terjemahan Ayat [1]:

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Pengasih

" Ya Tuhanku, ampunilah bagiku dan bagi dua orang ibubapaku dan bagi orang mukmin yang masuk rumahku dan bagi orang mukmin lelaki dan perempuan. Dan janganlah Engkau tambahi orang-orang yang zalim, kecuali kebinasaan"


[1] Tafsir Mahmud Yunus Al -Quran Nul Karim Rasm Uthmani

[2] Majmu' Syarif Kamil

My Pearl Obession

My first encounter with pearls was when my mother handed to me a piece of heirloom. Two beautiful perfectly round shape yellow colored pearls set on gold stud cast. I was so stunned by the pearly luster. Even after more than 20 years in keeping, the pearls are stunningly exquisite!
When I put it on, it accentuates a woman's beauty in a way that a diamond could not. The subdue glow that enhance the elegance of the wearer, the feeling of the understated glamor. I fell in love with pearls instantly!
I personally feel that women can never have enough of pearls. Pearls are gems that do not cost a fortune on the wallet and the versatility transcends beyond time. Unlike diamond that are hard set on a metal; pearls can be re-strung, re-designed, and re-polished to create a new set of accessories. From bracelet to necklace; Pearls allow the proud owner to play with her creativity.
Pearl truly is an exquisite creation of the sea. It is something that can be handed down from generation to generation and never to lose its charm.

My wish now is to be able to hand down these beautiful little treasures of heirloom to my children and hopefully to my children's grand children. In Shaa Allah.

Have a pearly weekend!